Sunday 14 April 2013

More Experiments with I can animate software

These are a few experiments of stop motion using the I can animate software on my ipad

The one below is an example of what my original idea would have looked like.

Friday 12 April 2013

Video Experiment

Experiment with the coke can and cola bottle sweets

I really like how this turned out!

New idea!!!

The great escape of the cola bottles, only to be chased back into the can by a bunch of liquorice gangsters. 

Rough sketch 


I think I will stick to this idea, it is more abstract than the last and certainly not a literal interpretation of the audio. 

Brain Storm!!

I am now thinking of doing something with objects as apposed to drawings but I will have to try a few more experimental videos to make sure I am happy with the final outcome. 

My original idea 

Rough Sketch

Final Storyboard 

I had planned everything out and created my final storyboard, but then I listened to the music again and it made me realized that I had gone completely in the wrong direction. It was too literal and I didn't really like the idea of having so many characters in my animation. I will have to put my thinking cap on once more and start again. 

Workshop animation

Workshop Images


Examples of characters moving

My own example of animation

My Experimental video

This was an experimental clip. I used paper here and manipulated it so that the girls arms and legs moved. I should have used a black background so you could see it better.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

My ideas

Paper Animation

I have decided to create my animation out of paper cutouts. I think it would be easier to manipulate the movements of characters and objects. Here are some examples of what I am trying to achieve: