Tuesday 7 May 2013

After Effects Experiment

This is an experiment I have done in After Effects to show that I can do more than just stop motion. If I had the time again I would use After Effects more, as I really like experimenting with the different effects it has to offer.

Monday 6 May 2013

Final Animation

 This is my final animation. I have put it on YouTube and uploaded it from there. I hope you all like it! Stop motion worked well with my audio track and the animation flows at the same time as the music. It was not what I originally intended to do, but my original idea was too literal and character based, I found I over complicated the original idea and would have taken far too long to achieve. My final animation followed my storyboard quite well, however I changed the ending because it didn't work with the time of the music. 

Sunday 14 April 2013

More Experiments with I can animate software

These are a few experiments of stop motion using the I can animate software on my ipad

The one below is an example of what my original idea would have looked like.

Friday 12 April 2013

Video Experiment

Experiment with the coke can and cola bottle sweets

I really like how this turned out!

New idea!!!

The great escape of the cola bottles, only to be chased back into the can by a bunch of liquorice gangsters. 

Rough sketch 


I think I will stick to this idea, it is more abstract than the last and certainly not a literal interpretation of the audio. 

Brain Storm!!

I am now thinking of doing something with objects as apposed to drawings but I will have to try a few more experimental videos to make sure I am happy with the final outcome. 

My original idea 

Rough Sketch

Final Storyboard 

I had planned everything out and created my final storyboard, but then I listened to the music again and it made me realized that I had gone completely in the wrong direction. It was too literal and I didn't really like the idea of having so many characters in my animation. I will have to put my thinking cap on once more and start again. 

Workshop animation

Workshop Images


Examples of characters moving

My own example of animation

My Experimental video

This was an experimental clip. I used paper here and manipulated it so that the girls arms and legs moved. I should have used a black background so you could see it better.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

My ideas

Paper Animation

I have decided to create my animation out of paper cutouts. I think it would be easier to manipulate the movements of characters and objects. Here are some examples of what I am trying to achieve:

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Initial thoughts of Audio track

My audio is called "Excited" I can describe it in three ways: Pleasant sounding, Getting ready in the morning and Lively.

 Initially I couldn't get the word Excited out of my head and thought of Celebratory music. After listening to it a few times I really thought it reminded me of first thing in the morning, just after your alarm goes off and you get out of bed to get ready for the rest of the day.

Animation research

Hand drawn animation is the place to start, very simple but time consuming which i found out through the workshops.

Below is a very cleverly made animation, I would like to achieve something like this for my final piece, although I think I may me getting ahead of myself.

The animation below contains a similar story which I would like to have in my animation.
Beginning: Waking up to an alarm clock
Middle: getting ready
End: end of the day? 

Monday 11 March 2013

Print to Pixel

We will be allocated a piece of music which we must familiarize ourselves with and then choose three descriptive words which are inspired by the soundtrack. The choice must be intuitive and based on our emotional response to the music. The research process will then take a visual form once the words have been chosen, and will be about making and doing. The final animation should be between 20 and 30 seconds long so we will have to edit the audio accordingly and select a shortened section that is the most inspiring and appropriate for your narrative.